
First Time Buying A Diamond? Here’s What You Should Know

Everything you should take note of if you’re purchasing a…
By: Nina Shahriman / December 4, 2021

Chances are you’ve most likely never purchased a diamond before because why else would you be reading this? Growing up, we’ve often associated diamonds as valuable gems on rings, necklaces and tiaras. Therefore, the idea of purchasing this pricey gem can be a little daunting. That is why Glitz has come up with everything you should take note of if you’re purchasing a diamond for the first time.

Research beforehand

It’s usually a good idea to do little research before purchasing something. You want to know that if you spend thousands on an engagement ring, it will look excellent and that you aren’t overpaying for quality that you won’t notice. However, the quality of a diamond is influenced by a variety of elements.

There’s no way to become an expert without years of training, no matter how many studies you undertake. Of course, you don’t need to be a professional to recognise what looks excellent.

Understand your budget

two diamond studded silver rings

Diamonds are well-known for their high cost. Despite this, first-time buyers frequently discover that diamonds are more expensive than they anticipated. So, before you go out and buy a diamond, have a look at your money and make a budget. If the items are out of your price range, you may have to make a compromise on the diamond of your dreams.

Compromise, on the other hand, does not imply that you should settle with a low-cost diamond. Diamonds, in reality, do not offer high value. If you choose a diamond with lesser carat weight, you’ll receive a better diamond.

Additionally,iIf you buy a diamond that appears to be a good deal when compared to other diamonds of comparable weight. If you compromise a little on stone size rather than quality, you can still receive the ring of your dreams.

Alternative diamonds

There are several alternatives to mined diamonds that may be used for engagement rings. Lab-created diamonds, for example, are becoming increasingly fashionable. While these diamonds have the same beauty and durability as mined diamonds of comparable grade, they cost around 30% less.

While diamonds are the most conventional engagement ring stone, colourful gems are frequently more durable and stunning in their own right. The most common gemstones are sapphire, ruby, and emerald, although morganite and aquamarine are also excellent ring stones.

Cuts matter

silver diamond ring on red textile

A respectable laboratory’s grading report should accompany a diamond. There will be a lot of information in this report, but the best approach to judge a stone’s quality is to look at the Four Cs: cut, clarity, colour, and carat. You’ll still have to look at the diamond thoroughly, but these grades will give you a good idea of its quality.

The cut is the most significant of the Four Cs for a diamond. Colour and clarity flaws are less visible in a well-cut diamond. A well-cut diamond will appear bigger than its carat size because it will appear brighter.

Different shapes are still valuable

Although most people favour round diamonds, there are a variety of diamond shapes to choose from, and certain non-round shapes will stand out. In comparison to round diamonds, they’re also less expensive. The majority of these non-round shapes look to be bigger than round diamonds of the same carat weight. This is due to their extended form or diagonal length, which makes them appear larger.

The square princess cut is the second most common diamond shape after the round. Oval and pear forms are very fashionable right now. There are also princess, pear, heart, and other shapes to consider if you don’t want to go with round.

Carats determines the price

The carat weight of a diamond has a significant impact on its price. Because diamond prices per carat rise at particular benchmark carats sizes: 0.50 carats, 1.00 carats, 1.50 carats, 2.00 carats, 3.00 carats, 4.00 carats, and 5.00 carats. As the carat weight of a diamond grows, its price rises exponentially.

The size of a diamond, on the other hand, does not arise in the same way. A half-carat diamond’s face-up area is more than half that of a one-carat diamond. As a result, lowering the carat weight has a greater influence on price than on look.

Keep the colour simple

Although there are grading grades for colour and clarity, we recommend thinking of these diamond characteristics in terms of “good” or “bad.” In terms of colour, the diamond will either look colourless or not. Either the diamond will seem perfect to the naked sight of it will not.

You won’t overpay for colour or clarity grades that your eye can’t see the difference using this method. If you can’t tell the difference between D and H, there’s no reason to spend extra for a D colour diamond.